Wednesday 8 April 2009

Simple Knowledge Organization System - Candidate Recommendation

From Alistair Miles and Antoine Isaac on behalf of the W3C Semantic Web Deployment Working Group ...

The W3C Semantic Web Deployment Working Group is pleased to announce the publication of a Candidate Recommendation for the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) Reference:

A new Working Draft of the accompanying SKOS Primer has also been published:

The Working Group now *calls for implementations.*

We would like to hear of any vocabulary (thesaurus, classification system, subject heading system, taxonomy or other KOS) or mapping between vocabularies that has been published in the Web as machine-readable data using SKOS, and/or has been made available via programmatic services using SKOS.

We would also like to hear of any software that has the capability to read and/or write SKOS data, and/or can check whether a given SKOS dataset is consistent with the SKOS data model.

If you would like to notify us of a vocabulary, vocabulary mapping, and/or software as a SKOS implementation, *please send an email to before 30 April 2009*, providing the information described below. Please also begin the subject line with "SKOS Implementation".

== Vocabulary Implementations ==

If you are notifying us of one or more vocabularies or vocabulary mappings as an implementation, please provide *at least* the following information:

* vocabulary title(s) (e.g. Library of Congress Subject Headings)

* name of person and/or organisation responsible for the implementation

* a list of the SKOS constructs used (e.g. skos:Concept, skos:ConceptScheme, skos:inScheme, skos:broader, skos:prefLabel, skos:closeMatch ... etc.)

* URL(s) where the published SKOS data may be obtained, if the data are publicly available

We would also welcome any further information you care to provide, however this is *not mandatory*. For example, we would be interested to know the scope and size of the vocabulary, what it is primarily used for, in what languages the vocabulary is provided, any other URLs describing the vocabulary or providing further information.

== Software Implementations ==

If you are notifying us of software as an implementation, please provide *at least* the following information:

* name of the software (e.g. SKOSEd)

* name of person and/or organisation responsible for the implementation

* URLs for software home page and/or download location if publicly downloadable

* can the software read SKOS data?

* can the software write SKOS data?

* can the software check consistency of SKOS data with respect to the SKOS data model?

For more information on what we mean by reading, writing or checking SKOS data, see:

We would also welcome any further information you care to provide, however this is *not mandatory*. For example, we would be interested in the main purpose and functionality of the software, the programming language and/or software frameworks used, details of the SKOS constructs which are supported, any other URLs describing the software or providing further information.

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Moscow: 4th Seminar on UDC organized by VINITI

The 4th in the series of VINITI's seminars on UDC methods "The conceptual approach to describing resources in pure sciences using Universal Decimal Classification" will take place on 8-10 April 2009.

Russian speaking users can find more information about this seminar at


Vserossiisky Institut Nauchnoi i Tekhnicheskoi Informatsii (VINITI) - All-Russian Scientific and Technical Information Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences is the leading information centre in Russia and CIS.

VINITI gathers and processes information from natural sciences and technology from 130 countries in 66 languages and prepares about one million records per year, presenting them both as printed publications and computer-readable databases.

The unique feature of VINITI bibliographic service is that it collects, creates abstracts, stores and make available significant amount of scientific and technical materials that are not published (deposited manuscripts, dissertations, etc).

VINITI also develops tools and software for advanced information processing: search engines, automatic translation systems, intellectual indexing and abstracting systems, etc. As the owner of UDC data in Russian language, VINITI is the only publisher within the UDC Consortium that still maintains and publishes full edition of the UDC (over 200,000 records).

Wednesday 1 April 2009

UDC Discussion List in Spanish

A Spanish UDC discussion list cdu-es is now opened.

Spanish speaking colleagues using or interested in the Universal Decimal Classification can join the list at

CDU-ES is a public mailing list for users and researchers of the Universal Decimal Classification in Spanish speaking countries. It is an open list to share information and discuss practical UDC questions regardless of the field of its application: libraries, museum, archives, Internet gateways or metadata.